We give innovative ideas the power to grow
RUG Ventures believes that, with the right guidance, the right idea can have the power to create a better future for all of us.
The goal of our company is to guide researchers in developing their innovative technologies into a business that can truly impact society
We offer not only investment options, but also scientific knowledge, an extensive network and years of experience.
Years of experience with scientific background
RUG Ventures has contributed to the valorization of scientific knowledge starting in 1996, and has since then helped more than 80 researchers turn their brilliant idea into a flourishing business. Our close connection to the University of Groningen and the great expertise of our team additionally mean we are experts in the field of scientific knowledge.
Guidance from the very first step onwards
Our involvement does not end if we give you an investment. From the moment you first walk into our office until the moment you are able to continue growing your business independently, we are here to steer you into the right direction and help you complete your milestones.
Empowering early stage startups through collaboration
Our close involvement, however, does not mean we will make your decisions for you. Our goal is to guide you towards autonomy and independence. After the investment, we will take the role of an advisor and shareholder. Through collaboration and teamwork, our final goal is to guide you towards a successful exit.
An extensive and reliable network
We have very strong connections both within and outside the university. We therefore not only know where you as a researcher are coming from, but we also know the business market where your startup will be heading towards. This means we form the perfect bridge between research and business. We are also in close collaboration with other investment companies and can therefore support you in looking for additional funding.
We know business and we know science

We are the connecting factor between scientific knowledge and the corporate industry in order to improve community life as we know it.
Call us 050 - 363 5459
Our story
RUG Ventures was founded in 1996 under the name RUG Houdstermaatschappij in order to translate one of the core tasks of the university into practice: valorization, the carrying over of scientific knowledge to the market.
RUG Ventures is therefore a subsidiary of the University of Groningen, which holds 100% of our shares. In these 25 years, RUG Ventures has proven more than able to fulfill the role of valorization, with over 50% of our participations achieving successful outcomes.
We invest...
We do not invest in just any idea. We invest in ideas stemming from the RUG that we believe will add value to the world. All ideas will be extensively evaluated, and we will only choose to invest in those ideas that tick all the boxes.
In scalable ideas
No business idea ends here and now. Our investments go to those ideas that have the potential to keep growing and improving our society.
In passionate and dedicated people
The people make the business. It is eventually up to you and your team to let your idea flourish. We only invest in those who have got what it takes.
In state of the art technology
Innovation is our middle name. We leave behind traditional ways of thinking and invest in people who are willing to do the same.
Ideas for the future
By investing in companies that are innovative and dedicated, we work together to realize their true market potential.
We at RUG Ventures believe that, with RUG’s visionary and aspirational minds, we can transform our future society to be greener, safer and healthier and turn your idea into a flourishing business.